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Our Trust of Schools


At Whipton Barton Federation we use a range of different forms of assessment. These are outlined briefly below and give you an overview about how we assess.

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is the most important method of assessment that takes place at Whipton Barton Federation. While it is called ‘Formative Assessment’, this method of assessment does not include formal testing. Instead, it is about how your child’s class teacher assesses your child through their daily interactions to find out how well they understand their learning. Formative Assessment is well established throughout the Federation and the use of questioning, observation and marking will continue to be key parts of formative assessment. Teachers find out this valuable information through different means.

For example, teachers will ask a range of different questions in a lesson and judging by a child’s response the teacher will assess if:

  • the child needs more support in understanding the learning;
  • the child needs to be further challenged;
  • the child is at the right point in their learning;

Using this information, teachers will be able to re-direct their lessons immediately to meet the needs of the learners in their class at that moment. Teachers provide pupils with concise feedback that will always move and deepen the child’s learning; we believe that this is a very important and active part of the learning process and should happen immediately or as close to the event as possible.


Children in each year group will participate in termly (Autumn, Spring and Summer) tests in Mathematics, Reading and Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling. This test information is analysed closely using professional dialogue between teachers and Senior Leaders, to inform us of any gaps in learning. This information is used to plan the next cycle of learning for each class. The test results (in conjunction with formative assessment) are tracked extremely closely and allow us to put in place support for both those who need some extra help and those who need to be challenged further.

Ongoing Assessments

All of our other subjects are assessed continuously throughout the year. In all subjects, we have outlined what we feel are the qualities that make a good learner in each subject and these are continuously assessed. For example, in writing, we have a selection of different qualities of what makes a good writer and these are continuously assessed as the children encounter different genres of writing.

Early Years

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) a profile is kept on your child’s progress. This is a report of your child’s development and achievement at the end of their Reception year.

Assessment is ongoing throughout the EYFS but the official EYFS Profile for each child is completed in the final term of Reception. The assessment takes place through teacher observation of children’s learning and development as they take part in everyday activities and planned observations where teachers spend time on a specific task with an individual child or small group. There are two separate achievement levels within the EYFS Profile (a document which outlines expected progress for different age ranges in the Early Years):

  • Emerging: your child is working below the expected level for their age.
  • Expected: your child is working at the level expected for their age.

Statutory Assessments

At different points in primary school, children are required to sit statutory assessments, which are outlined below.

Year 1 Phonics Screening

Towards the end of Year 1, children will conduct a simple test with their class teacher to determine if they have met a set threshold in their phonetic knowledge. The children are required to read 40 words to their teacher who will assess how well this is done. The check mark is reported to parents.

End of Key Stage 1 Assessments

In the Summer Term of Year 2, pupils will sit a Reading and Mathematics tests (commonly referred to as ‘SATs’). These tests are marked by the class teacher and are used to support the class teacher’s existing knowledge of the child’s learning. An attainment level is reported to parents.

End of Key Stage 2 Assessments

Towards the end of Year 6, pupils will sit Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test, Reading tests and Mathematics tests (commonly referred to as ‘SATs’). These tests are set and marked externally. An attainment level is reported to parents.