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Our Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6) pupils take part in weekly French lessons and our KS1 pupils develop an understanding of basic greetings throughout their time in Years 1 and 2. We use Language Angels as an engaging and structured scheme that empowers the children with all of the skills and knowledge to feel confident to read, write, listen to and speak French.

In lessons, children are taught to:

  • read, write and speak French words, phrases and sentences to communicate meaning
  • develop an appreciation of the French language and culture
  • develop awareness of global citizenship
  • develop an understanding of etymology and the relevance of this and the words we use in modern English
  • increase their knowledge and understanding of English grammar and spelling.

In Year 3, children start off their French learning by being introduced to some initial key phonics; they then progress onto exploring about France, the language and the French culture. Basic greetings and introductions, for example saying your name, are taught in the first half term too. Following an initial introduction into French as a language, Year 3 study fruit names, musical instruments, vegetables, animals and they even explore the cross-curricular History topic of Ancient Britain in French. Throughout these units, key vocabulary, reading skills, listening skills, grammar and writing skills are explicitly taught. Children will learn how to read, write and speak key words, phrases and sentences linked to these topics.

In Year 4, children start the year with a recap of some key phonics knowledge as well as learning some new phonics to progress their understanding further. Key French skills, for example counting up to 20, are covered in Year 4 as well as the following units: Family, At the Café, Classroom and My Home. Children will also have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to Science learning about different habitats in French.

In Year 5, children start the year with a recap of some key phonics knowledge as well as learning some new phonics to progress their understanding further. Children learn about pets, the weather, time and dates and clothes. They also explore two cross-curricular units which enable the children to apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to the Romans and the Olympics.

In Year 6, children further enhance their understanding of phonics as well as covering units exploring school, the weekend, the environment and healthy lifestyles. At the end of KS2, children are explicitly taught about regular verbs to ensure that the children have the skills ready to access KS3 French. Year 6 study an interesting cross-curricular topic about the Vikings.